Am I Good Enough?

Can you relate to this question? I ask myself this almost daily. That nagging little voice in the back of my head won’t shut-up! “You’re not an author…what makes you think that people will want to read your stories…this chapter is pathetic…it’s not good enough…should I rewrite it?” Ever hear those voices?

Some observations about indie authors who are selling books and replacing their jobs. [Read more…]

Self Publishing – Editing Hints

Self published authors are often short on cash when they start out and hiring an editor is very expensive. I have a friend who hired an editor a couple of years ago and it cost her $300 per chapter. So if you can’t afford an editor then we suggest that you ask a friend or relative (who has good literacy skills) to proofread your book for you. They may also point out any story lines or concepts that are not clear to them. [Read more…]

Australian v American Spelling

So do you keep your Australian/English form of spelling or change it to the American version? We use American spelling to stop bad reviews about not being able to spell from USA kids. So far we have found that readers from UK, Australia, NZ…are accepting of American spelling, but not the opposite way around. Today I found a really helpful webpage on the differences. It is really easy to use and I have it opened on my computer right now (typing up another of my husband’s books).

The url is

You don’t have to follow our choice of spelling, but if you do, definitely use the above site.

Have a fantastic Easter everyone!


Upcoming Workshop!

We are pleased to announce our first workshop to be held on Saturday, 18th January 2014 at Buderim. Go to the home page and click on the tab that says Upcoming Workshops to learn more. Below is a clipping from the Sunshine Coast Daily Newspaper about our publishing success. Click on the article to enlarge the story.

workshop news clippng

Author James Dodson on Memoir Writing

Sales Rank of 275!!!!!!

An update on our book ‘Diary of an Almost Cool Girl’

275 Sales Rank in – Very Exciting!

275 sales rank

How To Self-Publish Your eBook on Amazon Kindle

You can format your own book with a bit of learning and experimentation or ask us to do it for you.

Our Most Successful Book – so far!!!!!

Click on the screenshot to make it bigger.

diary of almost cool girl screen shot

This book has been ranking between 350 and 700 for the last 2 months in the United Kingdom. In USA it ranks between 2000 and 4000. This means lots of sales! If we can do it, so can you! You need to write a good book that will appeal to your market or niche; an attention grabbing cover; a description that will draw buyers to buy your book; choose the right categories and keywords; and format it correctly.

The sales rank tonight is 409. That means it is the 409th best selling book in Amazon UK. Out of all the books Amazon sells in all subject areas, fiction and non-fiction. Actually there are about 1.5 million+ books selling on Amazon. So 409 is pretty impressive. In 18 days we have about 1800 copies. The green arrow points to our ranking within our categories, yes – number 1 in all 3 categories. And we are beating some pretty impressive “big name” books.

Why am I telling you this? To encourage you! We have over 20 books on Amazon. We are creating a passive income for the rest of our lives. You can do the same thing!

Self-Publishing Using Amazon

Yes, you can be a published author. With it is so easy. Contact us and we will make it really easy for you!

Kindle Story by Author Mishka Shubaly

Another success story from Amazon Kindle. You too can become a published author. Ask us how.