The Amazon Marketing Machine in Action

Hi everyone, I just received this email from Amazon. The first two books belong to us and the third book is by Kate Cullen ‘Game on Boys!’. Kate is a Sunshine Coaster who attended one of our seminars. Congratulations Kate!
amazon email.jpg

How To Create a FREE Promo

We’ve had a few questions about where to go to to create a Free Promo for a Kindle Book.
It really is quite easy, but a little hidden…so we hope this helps.

Sign into your KDP account:
Click on Bookshelf
Click on the book you want to put on Free Promo
Click on Manage Benefits
free promo 1








You will see Kindle Countdown Deal, there is a drop down box and Free Promotion is below the Countdown Deal.
Click on Free Book Promotion.

free promo 2

Then choose the dates for starting and finishing your Free Promo.
We suggest a 3 day Free Promo soon after putting your book on Amazon.
You can put a higher price, e.g. $3.99 or $2.99 on before the Free Promo giving a feeling of “getting a bargain”.
Once your free promo is over, reduce the price to 99c until you build up some sales and gather some reviews.

Success Is Sweet!

Today is Boxing Day and it is B Campbell’s birthday. What could be a better birthday present than making the Top 100 in UK? Nothing! We can’t explain how good this feels. Watching those sales figures go higher and higher and then seeing the cover on the Top 100 List – Priceless! If B Campbell can do it…so can you!top 100 screenshot

Sales Rank of 275!!!!!!

An update on our book ‘Diary of an Almost Cool Girl’

275 Sales Rank in – Very Exciting!

275 sales rank

Self-Publishing Using Amazon

Yes, you can be a published author. With it is so easy. Contact us and we will make it really easy for you!

Kindle Story by Author Mishka Shubaly

Another success story from Amazon Kindle. You too can become a published author. Ask us how.

Kindle Author B.V. Larson Shares His Kindle Story

Another inspirational story from a self published author. Amazon, the world’s largest publishing company, allows authors to get their books out to the world. Many authors are sharing their stories through kindle ebooks and making much more money than they would earn with a traditional publisher. Contact us to discuss your book and future.

Kindle Author Laurie Fabiano Shares Her Kindle Story

Reading about successful Kindle Self Published Authors can inspire you, watch this video.

Publishing your book on Amazon’s Kindle

Self Publishing can make your dream of being an author a reality. Amazon is the biggest search engine that sells things in the world. Amazon Kindle is the world’s largest publishing company. You need to have your books on Amazon if you want to be successful.

Authors: 10 Tips to Sell More Books on Amazon

If you have a good book for a “hungry” market…then you are on the way to being a successful self published author. However, you can market your book so you’ll make more sales.
This video gives 10 tips on how to do this: